To say that humanity was ready for a new year is an understatement. 2020 had thrown many a curveball, placed innumerable obstacles in our paths and challenged us all in new ways. While the clock striking midnight on New Year’s Eve did not wipe the slate clean, it did provide the opportunity for a new lens through which to face the year ahead. Uncertainty can be transformed into determination. Hope into action. Towards that end, Resort 2 Kindness celebrated those communities and individuals who had shown relentless resilience to inspire a spirit of determined optimism in us all. It’s in this spirit that we dedicated 2021 as the “Year of Resilience.”


We raised close to $15,000! On April 29, this money was used to hire back two of ChoLon’s furloughed workers and prepare 400 nutritious meals made up of juicy roasted chicken and grilled seasonal vegetables. Metro Caring, Colorado’s leading frontline anti-hunger organization, distributed these tasty meals to local people in need on our behalf.


It has been almost a year since the COVID-19 Pandemic rocked our world. Many of us are doing our part through hand washing, mask-wearing, and most importantly, socially distancing ourselves when possible. Sadly, this social distance has dramatically impacted many, but this is especially true of those 65 and older, and living in Assisted Living or Eldercare homes…