Our 2022 annual platform, “The Year of Silver Linings,” was inspired by our community’s unwavering generosity and unstoppable spirit of resilience during 2021. Because of the rays of positivity they radiated during a year that continued to challenge so many, Resort 2 Kindness focused our efforts toward creating a brighter future for those who needed a Silver Lining in 2022. Silver Linings help us find light in the darkness. Strength in the challenge. And gratitude in the mess. Focusing on Silver Linings gave us the hope we needed to keep going and keep growing, healing hearts all along the way.

everyday kindness

We don’t just preach kindness, we teach it too! It’s more important than ever for today’s youth to understand the power of kindness, not just in the big acts, but more importantly the small ones. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see our acts of everyday kindness—big and small! And, be sure to share yours!

kindness day 2022

The world lost a loving and kind soul in 2022. Barbara Pellouchoud lived a long 93 years, and along with her husband Patrick, inspired our founder to launch R2K. So this Kindness Day was dedicated to Mama P—to celebrate her spirit that still lives on strong through all the people whose lives she has impacted with her wisdom, kindness and unconditional love.